The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 2 Episode 9

Practical, useful & pretty

with Katie Rushworth

In this episode, I’m joined by copresenter of ITV’s Love Your Garden, Katie Rushworth. We discuss her Yorkshire roots,and what she believes to be the fundamental ingredients of a really good garden.

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Three words by which to measure a garden – practical, useful, pretty. It’s a mantra to which Katie Rushworth returns repeatedly in her garden design practice, but there’s more to her notion of a good garden than a formula. Gardening, she admits, quite literally saved her, pulling her out of a postpartum fog and restoring her sense of identity. So while all the elements of a good garden can be in place, Katie finds herself continually searching for something deeper which, she admits, comes about from connection to a garden over time.

“It can look as pretty as it wants, to but I need that feeling from a garden, I need that kind of...chest ache, and I think that comes from any garden that has been loved”.

Brought up in inner-city Leeds, it’s the moorland countryside of the Yorkshire dales where she now lives that looms large over her work, and the faculty to marry an awareness of the wider landscape with the restraints of smaller domestic space is one of the aspects that energises both her designs and her role as a gardening mentor.

The episode begins with me battling to be heard over a particularly vocal blackbird, before we’re treated to a passage from episode 74 of Ben Dark’s The Garden Log podcast, in which he considers the benefits of gardening in one place over many seasons.

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Gardens, weeds and words podcast, S02E09 show notes

A blend of slow radio, gardening advice and conversation, and readings from the best garden and wildlife writing.

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Garden soundtrack

Birdsong, and gardening in the new normal.

Gardening in one place over time. 

Reading 04:00

Extract from The Garden Log Podcast, episode 74, read by the host, Ben Dark.

Interview with the Katie Rushworth 05:51 

06:21 Not the only Yorkshire-born gardener on the telly…

07:00 Katie’s experience of nature and plants growing up

09:29 Chomping for wood!

10:12 The place of the Yorkshire landscape in Katie’s garden design work

11:44 Gardening is about a feeling

12:43 Before gardening…

16:32 Juggling gardening, TV schedules and being a mum

17:43 Transferrable skills – an appreciation of colour, shape, form and texture

19:11 Garden coaching and mentoring

26:35 Domestic gardens

27:21 Practical, useful & pretty

30:42 The biggest obstacles people face in their gardens

32:54 Plants – just pretty window dressing, or more than fluff?

36:25 Productively using our time in the garden


Thank you to Katie for joining me on this episode. Katie’s book Plants, Beds & Borders is available here

Katie's website:

Katie on Instagram

I’m ever grateful to all my listeners for your continued support and reviews, I really do appreciate them. You can support the podcast by buying its producer a virtual cup of coffee for three quid, at Proceeds will go towards equipment, software and the monthly podcast hosting fees. 


You can hear find the podcast trailer and the first four episodes here, either on iTunes or on Switcher.

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Lockdown discounts: A year of garden coaching

I’ve been very excited about my new venture – even before the lockdown I’d decided that online garden coaching would be a fantastic way for me to work with more people than I can physically get around to, helping them to make the very best of their gardens in a way that suits the life they lead. With the all the uncertainty around our lives just now I’m holding the the introductory price for the full 12 month programme as well as offering a quarterly payment plan, and there’s 50% off an hour’s Skype consultation call. Please click here to book your place.

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, writer, photographer, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking this image.
