Day 140: cow parsley

Daily details from the garden to bring you inspiration throughout the year

I’ve been waiting patiently for cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris), that froth that sits along the edges of roads and woodlands like the white foam gracing the top lip of a cappuccino drinker. It seems shorter this year – I’m blaming April for this, the rain having come just slightly too late – but it would be boring if every spring were the same. Once more there’s no Chelsea Flower Show in May (it’s been postponed till September), but I’ll always remember the time when the spring weather had been so bad that cow parsley was just about the only thing nurseries had been able to grow, and every show garden looked like a homage to the hedgerow – albeit a slightly purple version, with the dusky leaved variety ‘Ravenswing’ being then very much in vogue. I’m not fussy – the bog standard green type will do me. Just let there be lots.

A year of garden coaching

To find out more about my my 12 month online garden coaching programme, please visit the website, where you can read more details and add your name to the waiting list to be the first to hear when enrolment opens up again for the spring.

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, blogger, podcaster, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking the image above.
