The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 2

There’s a community of souls working in relative isolation, surrounded by nature, perhaps in a shed or outhouse in the garden, whose plant-inspired practice infuses the entirety of their output. Its light and energy is baked into the porcelain used by Birmingham based potter Katie Robbins, and reflected back into the world from the gorgeous glazes she takes such pains to develop. In this episode, we’re invited on a tour of Katie’s garden studio, while we discuss her pots, her business, and the influence of the natural world upon both.

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 3

Episode 3 of the Gardens, weeds & words podcast is out and, as the clocks go back and we head into darkness, I’m talking to food and lifestyle photographer Ros Atkinson about the part light has to play in her beautiful images. And trying to get to the bottom of her love affair with vegetables.

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 2

As the leaves fall, we begin to see our gardens in their wider context, which makes it a perfect time to consider how they relate to the surrounding landscape. In this episode I’m joined by the artist Celia Hart, who discusses her earliest plant memories, and the role that her local Suffolk landscape has upon her work.

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The Almanac: a seasonal guide to 2019

This year’s Almanac – a seasonal guide by Lia Leendertz quickly became something of an essential and trusted companion, and so the publication of 2019’s version has been greeted with great enthusiasm from all quarters. Is it a worthy successor? Read on to find out.

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 1 Episode 1

Have you ever wondered why we make gardens? I have. How do we choose to surround ourselves with plants? How do we incorporate them into our lives? Our relationship as a species with plants is something that fascinates me, and these are just the kind of questions the new podcast is creating space to explore – albeit in a fairly relaxed manner. The first episode was promised in early autumn...and it’s almost time.

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