The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3.5 Episode 3

Winter’s not yet done with us, but there's always something to do in the garden. Delving back into Jack Wallington's Wild About Weeds to find out how to manage these rebel plants. And thinking about how the picture perfect garden fits

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3.5 Episode 2

Autumn is settling in and, if we’re honest, we start to spend less time actively gardening. More time for the soil to grow what it really wants, more time for us to start dreaming next year’s garden into being…

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3.5 Episode 1

We salute summer as it reaches its peak and, just as quickly, begins to pass the baton on to the next season, and enjoy a reading from the introduction to Jack’s book, from which the episode title’s been shamelessly pinched

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 10

Chef, grower, teacher, herbologist – it’s always hard to categorise my guests on the Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast and Maya Thomas is no exception. Suffice to say that a love of plants or people – and usually both – infuses everything she does, and so where better to focus our conversation for this episode than on the subject of herbs…

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 9

Love it or hate it (and why would you hate it?), the RHS Chelsea Flower Show offers a fantastic platform for charities to promote their work. In this episode, I’m joined by Hattie Ghaui, CEO of Project Giving Back, whose Gardens for Good Causes initiative brings together designers, landscapers and charitable organisations, creating headline-grabbing show gardens with the power to bring change where it’s most needed.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 8

There’s an intricacy and generosity of spirit to the work of floral artist and broadcaster Hazel Gardiner that betrays her love of story telling, as well as hinting at her ability not just to absorb energy from the creatives she works along side, but to amplify that vibrancy and share it back around. In this episode she joins me to talk about her varied career path, the roots of her artistic approach and, of course, her garden

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 7

To celebrate the publication of my first book, To Stand and Stare: how to garden while doing next to nothing, I’m having the tables turned on me. For this episode, I find myself on the other side of the mic as friend of the podcast Alice Vincent drops by to interview me about how the book came about, how it relates to my wider work, and why a title that’s very much not a ‘how to garden’ manual still manages to have so many ‘how to...’ sections in it.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 6

I’m so delighted to have florist and grower Milli Proust on the podcast for the last episode of 2022. Her book From Seed to Bloom was one of the highlights of the year for me, as it has been for many others, and the images of her floral arrangements and beautiful growing space in West Sussex continue to provide a gorgeous backdrop to pleasant reveries. We discuss her emphasis upon the seasons and the land, on story and theatre, and the impact that becoming a mother has had on her work. And laugh, a lot.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 5

Susanna Grant’s mission seems to be to make gardening easy for people; particularly people who live in the city, where space is at a premium and buildings huddle together to crowd out the light. From behind an unassuming garden gate in Hackney, her courtyard store Linda glows, filled with the kind of lush, green growth that thrives in these conditions. We talk of shade and weeds, community gardens and cake, perennial window boxes and sending worms through the post.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 4

“Something I believe is missing from conversations about the climate crisis is the need for us to build a stronger emotional connection to our planet and each other”, writes Hannah McDonald in the wake of COP26. In this episode, we consider how our readiness to engage with the great outdoors not only benefits our own sense of wellbeing, but lies at the heart of necessary and urgent change.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 3

This tendency of ours to want to stick a label on everything might make the world seem neater and easier to manage, but it’s as joyless a process as it is reductive. You couldn’t stick a label on my guest in this episode of the podcast even if you tried – Jackee Holder’s business card says ‘Cultural Creative’, but that’s only a partial description of her work. When we met online to talk, we started with trees, and travelled on together from there.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 2

There’s a community of souls working in relative isolation, surrounded by nature, perhaps in a shed or outhouse in the garden, whose plant-inspired practice infuses the entirety of their output. Its light and energy is baked into the porcelain used by Birmingham based potter Katie Robbins, and reflected back into the world from the gorgeous glazes she takes such pains to develop. In this episode, we’re invited on a tour of Katie’s garden studio, while we discuss her pots, her business, and the influence of the natural world upon both.

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The Gardens, Weeds & Words podcast, Series 3 Episode 1

The Gardens Weeds & Words podcast is back with season 3, and in this first episode I’m joined by Jennie Spears of Lemon Tree Trust. We talk about the work of the charity with refugees and internally displaced people in northern Iraq, and how plants and gardening can help to create a sense of home.

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The Gardens, weeds & words podcast, Series 2 Episode 11

I’m joined on this episode by the powerhouse of the garden design world that is Ann-Marie Powell, who tells me how her gardens abide by the mantra Plants, People, Place, while I ponder over matters of gratitude, privilege and responsibility, and how they manifest in my own gardening practice.

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