Day 120: arugula bolting

Daily details from the garden to bring you inspiration throughout the year


The brassicas are bolting! It sounds alarming – something that should be shouted by a panic stricken messenger bursting into a roomful of concerned villagers – but really, my leafy winter veg has just got a bit long in the tooth and decided it had better divert energy into flowering in the hope of producing some seed. I’ve always been fond of the flowers on the kale, or the purple sprouting broccoli, which are both just as tasty and as smelly as other bits of the plant. Pretty to look at too, but nothing quite has a flower like peppery-leaved rocket, or arugula, if you prefer (Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa). Four delicate white petals with a deep purple central vein and something of the cross of the Knights Templar about it. A few more days to enjoy the flowers, then it’s off to the compost heap with the lot to make way for spring salads.

A year of garden coaching

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Hello! I’m Andrew, gardener, blogger, podcaster, and owner of a too-loud laugh, and I’m so pleased you’ve found your way to Gardens, weeds & words. You can read a more in-depth profile of me on the About page, or by clicking the image above.
